Can a Man Transmit Gardnerella to a Woman?


Gardnerella vaginalis is the name of a micro-aerophilic coccobacillus found in the vaginal flora. Gardnerella vaginalis does not cause bacterial vaginosis (vaginal infection) unless populations become dominant; recent findings seem to testify that this bacterium may be part of the normal vaginal flora and not but the event of sexual transmission.

Gardnerella vaginalis
Gardnerella vaginalis

Gardnerella Vaginalis in Healthy Vaginal Flora

Gardnerella vaginalis can be a natural, non-pathogenic member of a salubrious vaginal flora or tin can be contracted through sexual activity where a partner is a carrier of Gardnerella bacteria. Urethral colonization of Gardnerella occurs in males but this does not generally crusade symptoms or need to exist treated.

The vaginal flora or vaginal microbiota is primarily equanimous of the Lactobacillus species, in particular, Lactobacillus crispari, Lactobacillus gasseri and Lactobacillus jensenii. Other bacteria found in salubrious females include Actinomycetes, Bifidobacterium and Gardnerella vaginalis. Pre-pubescent females may already accept populations of Gardnerella in the vagina equally from puberty onwards the vagina is no longer a sterile environment. Populations of this bacterium in salubrious vaginal microbiota usually remain depression during adult life stages unless the female in question has low amnesty, is sexually active with multiple partners or if her partner has multiple partners, or if she regularly takes antibiotics; withal, in and around the menopause populations of Gardnerella vaginalis frequently increase due to physiological and metabolic changes. While the presence of Gardnerella in children can often point to a history of sexual corruption, this is certainly not always the case and populations have been found in newborns of both genders.

High, salubrious levels of protective Lactobacillus increase acidity levels in the vagina to between 3.8 and 4.v through the secretion of hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid. An acidic environment of this level discourages the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria. To control growth in Gardnerella vaginalis, Lactobacillus bacteria have a further function – they prevent many types of potentially harmful leaner from attaching to the vaginal epithelium, whereby growth or colonization becomes hard. In other words, a salubrious microbiota consisting primarily of Lactobacillus protects the vagina from infection.

Lactobacillus bacteria
Lactobacillus bacteria

Withal certain circumstances can cause an imbalance in the vaginal flora. These circumstances range from hormonal changes and sex activity to douching, nutrition, disease, and some medications. When Lactobacillus levels decrease, it and then becomes possible for other bacteria to colonize the vagina and change its pH to adapt them, eventually causing infection. The most common infection of the vagina is bacterial vaginosis; bacterial vaginosis is usually acquired by Gardnerella.

How Does Gardnerella Cause Bacterial Vaginosis?

Gardnerella vaginalis is a non-motile, non-sporing, micro-aerophilic coccobacillus. This means that these bacteria are unable to move independently and require extremely low levels of oxygen. These levels are so low, Grand. vaginalis is often described as an anaerobic bacteria, yet in order to multiply they exercise need small-scale amounts of O2. Just put, oxygen levels in ambient air would be toxic to Gardnerella. As populations remain in one place where very little oxygen is institute, imbalances in protective vaginal leaner can permit for Gardnerella colonization. In most cases, overgrowth leads to the production of a biofilm.

Bacteria within a biofilm
Bacteria within a biofilm

What is a Biofilm?

A single pathogenic bacteria cell cannot crusade infection. This tin can only occur in environments where it tin multiply with resulting populations colonizing a item tissue or physiological system such every bit the vaginal epithelium and cardiovascular arrangement, respectively.

Anywhere a microorganism accumulates, either inside the trunk or on kitchen worktops, in drainage and ventilation systems, and anywhere leaner or fungi can survive, a biofilm tin be formed. Every bit a group, these microorganisms interact and communicate within the biofilm to help each other survive.

In an imbalanced vaginal microbiota, an initial layer of Gardnerella vaginalis will adhere to the vaginal wall. This commencement phase is known equally initial reversible attachment. During this phase, any treatment to remove them volition work quickly and finer.

Subsequently initial attachment, these bacteria use surface proteins to further adhere to the epithelial cells of the vagina. This stage is known as irreversible zipper. In order to make use of the surface proteins, the environment in which Gardnerella lives must exist beneficial to growth and survival. Once solidly fastened to the vaginal tissue the next stage tin commence. This is the creation of a microcolony, accomplished through the multiplication of bacterial cells to produce a community. The moment a customs is established, the bacteria produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) which create a slimy, protective layer. The EPS can form up to 90% of a biofilm layer and the sticky texture as well traps nutrients as an additional food source for the bacteria within. Channels within the biofilm can provide a source of water and remove waste material products. Furthermore, the biofilm matrix produces optimal temperatures for growth of the leaner that take created it. The adjacent stage, maturation, or in this case rapid multiplication of Gardnerella, is fabricated possible through the characteristics of the biofilm.

Gardnerella Vaginalis and Bacterial Vaginosis

An interesting feature of G. vaginalis is its ability to engage in synergistic relationships with other pathogenic leaner. It is oftentimes found that the initial colonization of Gardnerella will often lead to vaginal colonization of other harmful leaner types. This is why Gardnerella vaginalis is considered the most virulent form of vaginal pathogen and is often listed equally the single cause of bacterial vaginosis (BV).

While Gardnerella vaginalis is non-motile, the terminal phase of biofilm development – dispersal – is still possible through flows of discharge, mucus, and menstrual blood. If atmospheric condition become less advantageous, for case through a lack of nutrients or modify in temperature, a proportion of cells will disassemble from the biofilm and travel to other areas to increase the chances of population survival. From all of the described data nosotros can, therefore, surmise that a G. vaginalis infection is difficult to treat. Below the various biofilm stages: ane) initial zipper, 2) irreversible attachment, 3) maturation I, 4) maturation II, 5) dispersion

Stages of biofilm development
Stages of biofilm evolution

Gardnerella Vaginalis Symptoms

Thousand. vaginalis symptoms in females in association with bacterial vaginosis are most usually an odorous, 'fishy' smelling, thin vaginal belch which can be white or yellow in color, fever, abdominal tenderness, and leukocytosis. Infection is non associated with significant pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse. When these bacteria enter the short female urethra a urinary tract infection (UTI) can event. However, an infection can besides exist asymptomatic, especially in males. Should G. vaginalis reach the urethra in either gender, the resulting UTI can lead to balmy to severe pain and is difficult to treat one time one or more biofilms accept formed. Gardnerella colonization in pregnant women can cause premature labor and commitment, rupture and hemorrhage, and postpartum or postabortion septicemia.

Furthermore, Gardnerella infection tin get on to cause other pathologies such as endometritis, chorioamnionitis, vaginal abscess, wound infections afterward genitourinary surgeries, pelvic inflammatory disease, and intrauterine infections which can themselves lead to spontaneous abortion or infertility.

In newborns, Gardnerella vaginalis colonization has been known to crusade meningitis, urinary tract infection, conjunctivitis, pneumonia, and septicemia.

Gardnerella Vaginalis Treatment

G. vaginalis bacteria are associated with diamine product – chemicals which contribute to the characteristic fishy odor of this a vaginal infection. When the vaginal wall becomes colonized with Gardnerella vaginalis, the bacteria increment the pH to a level whereby their survival is optimized and protective Lactobacillus begins to die.

Healthy and infected vaginal flora
Salubrious and infected vaginal flora

A normal vaginal pH is between 3.8 to iv.5; this is the upshot of hydrogen peroxide and lactic acrid secretion past Lactobacillus and the results of epithelial glycogen metabolism. In the presence of estrogen, more glycogen is available and and so more nutrients for the Lactobacillus. This explains why infection rates can ascension in menopausal women whose estrogen levels are low. When G. vaginalis populations begin to grow, the acidifying upshot of Lactobacillus is significantly reduced, creating an environment where multiple pathological bacteria tin abound. This is why a Gardnerella infection too increases gamble of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Most common STD causes
Almost common STD causes

Gardnerella vaginalis treatments are currently limited to the apply of antibiotics such as metronidazole and clindamycin. These can exist administered as oral medications, creams or, in astringent cases, intravenously. However, antibiotics also diminish populations of healthy leaner and the increasing disadvantage of bacterial antibiotic resistance has led to a preference for new methods of BV handling. Some studies have shown that up to 68% of bacteria in recurrent bacterial vaginosis are resistant to antibiotics. In addition, antibiotic treatments for other ailments in other physiological systems can also crusade vaginal microbiota to get imbalanced. This means newer therapies are being studied for their efficacy. One of these is the use of a sucrose-based vaginal gel which feeds the healthy Lactobacillus and helps them to withstand or overthrow colonization by other pathogens. Another is the ingestion of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium in pill or drink form to replenish populations (see image beneath). Even vaginal douches using alive yogurt containing salubrious bacteria can return the vaginal microbiota to residual. Menopausal women may feel lower infection rates through hormone replacement therapy, where higher levels of estrogen increase glycogen levels in the vaginal epithelium and provide a food source for Lactobacillus.

Probiotics for health
Probiotics for health

Gardnerella vaginosis infection treatments, therefore, should encourage the growth of healthy bacteria and not wipe out entire populations of healthy and pathogenic microorganisms through antibiotics – at least not as first-line therapy. Salubrious levels of estrogen, digestible sugars in the form of sucrose or dearest, and reintroduction of Lactobacillus into the body either through the digestive tract or directly into the vagina seem to produce similar results equally antibiotics simply with less damage to healthy bacteria and fewer side effects.



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